Japan Heritage Yuzu and Forest Railway

From Forest Railway to Yuzu Road—The Story of Japan’s Largest Yuzu-Growing Region


The Chugei Region is located in the eastern part of Kochi Prefecture, also known as Nangoku Tosa. This region, which was once home to western Japan's largest forest railway, has now become Japan's leading producer of yuzu. The railroads that were the main line of timber transportation have been reborn as the "Yuzu Road" which winds along stretches of yuzu orchards. Along the river and through the mountains, the vast yuzu orchards offer breathtaking views of delicate white flowers, rich green leaves, and yellow fruit that deepen in color with the change of the seasons. Enjoy local delicacies such as the aromatic yuzu sushi. Travel along the Chugei Yuzu Road, take in all of the beauty offered by the yuzu orchards, and indulge in delicious yuzu cuisine.